… from our inbox

… and every so often, a truly touching letter
Not seeing even a “Got it” in our inbox a week after delivery of a vintage cookie jar, and just to check that it arrived a-okay and that our customer was happy with her purchase, we asked, and we received this reply,
“The cookie jar arrived. It is for my sister and she will be opening it tomorrow, so I wouldn’t be able to confirm that it arrived safe & sound until then. She has been looking for years. It is the cookie jar we grew up with. If you come across any more PLEASE let me know.”
… so we sent along some suggestions on finding another, and we received this reply the next day:
“I wish I could have written more for feedback, I have never come across a seller like you. When I say that, I’m including all that my husband has purchased (and all of the other experiences I hear about). I guess if I could have hand-picked a seller like you it would be for this cookie jar. Me and my three sisters all have very vivid memories of this cookie jar (and the toll house cookie bars that my mom use to keep in it). We lost our mom when I was 5 (I’m now 28 and the youngest of four) and we have few tangible things. It is truly priceless, which is why I couldn’t open it when it came. We have been looking for it for years, my sister’s been more persistent, so she had to be the one to open it. You’ve given us a priceless gift, with the absolute best experience. From the years we’ve spent looking, I know they are hard to come by. And THANK YOU for the many detailed suggestions for finding another!”